Masquerade Ball

a cryptic puzzle by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon

A dozen well-known figures (including one quadruped) have been invited to a masquerade ball. Each has chosen to disguise himself as an appropriate cartoon character. The names of the real, historical figures are derived from the starred clues, but these names are not to be entered in the diagram; instead, solvers must enter the names of the related cartoon characters. Lengths of answers indicated in parentheses are for the historical figures only. Words begin and end at the heavy lines. Unstarred answers include one proper noun and one prefix. As an additional aid, the unchecked letters (i.e., letters in the diagram contained in only one answer) can be rearranged to spell MASKED, ZOOT-SUITED—THEY USUALLY KEEP TO USE OF HUMOR.


  • 1.
    Man formally meeting creature from another planet returns with powerful space traveler (4,9)
  • 11.
    Series within series of locks (4)
  • 12.
    Primary color (8)
  • 14.
    Nun let loose in the subway (6)
  • 15.
    Some macaroni with grease would provide energy (5)
  • 16.
    WW II's origin is with Hitler's failing as a painter (8)
  • 18.
    Circling something round (4)
  • 19.
    Finish in reverse—start these! (5)
  • 21.
    Money is food for the thinking man (7,5)
  • 25.
    Love is foremost in your duty as a wife? (4)
  • 28.
    ... but first, our old mother's about to get older (7)
  • 30.
    A pound-and-a-half plum—that's the record (5)
  • 33.
    Almost peek, pique, peak (5)
  • 34.
    Holder of world record fordistances (5)
  • 35.
    Inch-margin (4)
  • 37.
    Pieces from strange FM broadcast (9)
  • 40.
    True-False: Fish should be left outside when curried (7)
  • 41.
    Sway along with one on horseback, headed west instead of south (6)
  • 42.
    Half America surrounds celebrity (4)
  • 43.
    Philosopher's bit of an egg-head (9)
  • 44.
    Five-dollar beer—that's the end (6)
  • 45.
    Hat lands square in mud (5)
  • 46.
    In all-out fracas, drinker is one sent sailing (3,7,5)


  • 1.
    Nixon's pet game (8)
  • 2.
    In the corner, you mean (6)
  • 3.
    Links halves with whole numbers (5)
  • 4.
    Suitable match (4)
  • 5.
    Loll about and listen to tunes (4)
  • 6.
    Unused to deli-hopping (4)
  • 7.
    Chief points (4)
  • 8.
    I'm a rat—ah, I'm ruined (4,4)
  • 9.
    Brown with brown nose (4)
  • 10.
    Raving maniac or prize-fighter (8)
  • 12.
    Whisker-trimmer? (7)
  • 13.
    Terrorists half turned back when at the front (5)
  • 17.
    Doctor performing heart transplant isfraud (5)
  • 19.
    Frenchmen, in short, are in charge of woman (5)
  • 20.
    Way of saving from the bottomless gulch (6)
  • 22.
    To cry with a cry of pain would be cowardly (4)
  • 23.
    The philosopher has become, since Z, the revolutionary (9)
  • 24.
    Rode bike so that wheel-print went in front (8)
  • 26.
    Child takes pity on fly-swatting sultan (4,4)
  • 27.
    Ruthless prostitutes! (8)
  • 29.
    "Revoltingly low," said a French aristocrat (4,2,8)
  • 31.
    He outlawed it, so to speak! (6)
  • 32.
    Sauntered most—most looked-at (7)
  • 36.
    Fertilizer's going upon August first (5)
  • 38.
    Don't follow directions note for note on label (5)
  • 39.
    Compiled dictionary to provide readers of Norse poetry (5)
  • 40.
    Get two essential minerals in your morning drink (4)