Sixes and Sevens

a cryptic puzzle by Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon

(with acknowledgments to Zander of The Listener)

This month's diagram is numbered normally, but clues to words of six or seven letters are grouped separately in haphazard order. Solvers must determine where these answers belong in the diagram, using the other entries as guides. Words entered in the diagram (called "lights") begin and end at the heavy lines. Answers include two proper names; the first six-letter word (a) is slightly uncommon. Remember that punctuation in the clues may be used deceptively


  • 1.
    Man of Bible is a top-grade Catholic (5)
  • 12.
    Spokes-women of patriotism returned, one by one (5)
  • 13.
    Former man of God (5)
  • 17.
    Butterflies that symbolize the unending cosmic cycle? (12)
  • 25.
    Sick persons I cure bounce back (12)
  • 31.
    To postpone, turn back clock) (5)
  • 32.
    You might cry over this cartoon—I only show it (5)
  • 35.
    Model puzzle (5)


  • 2.
    Classify albatross somewhat the wrong way (4)
  • 4.
    Skeletons of singers we hear (5)
  • 8.
    Rum, mead, and cheese (4)
  • 10.
    In manner of speaking, sees spots (5)
  • 25.
    Miró to Rouault; "Comprehend Turner?" (5)
  • 26.
    "Rising Rainbows"—piano piece (5)
  • 27.
    Clip tail off bird (4)
  • 29.
    It is central to live feature of Jaws (4)

Sixes and Sevens

  • a.
    Rose around morningtime with branches (6)
  • b.
    It's fair, strange to say (6)
  • c.
    Manila's peculiar game (7)
  • d.
    Adoring letter encloses a lock of hair (7)
  • e.
    Pose in street with traveling cane (6)
  • f.
    Riddles you have to unravel in games (7)
  • g.
    Congressman to levitate with recurrence (7)
  • h.
    I'm old and I'm in the way (7)
  • i.
    About 50 dancing bears with trumpets (6)
  • j.
    Flower's turned on phenomena (7)
  • k.
    Pacify star in Taming of the Shrew with speech (7)
  • l.
    Liston's belted in the neck (7)
  • m.
    Quickly spinning proton (6)
  • n.
    "Wind and Rain"—premiere of movie, performing shortly (7)
  • o.
    Lunch meat and salad mix when you don't finish them (6)
  • p.
    Reactor out of control, by God (7)
  • q.
    Freak mentors (7)
  • r.
    Unfortunately, win Sal and her whole family by marriage (hyphenated) (6) (2-4)
  • s.
    Sells tickets for a lot of crowns (6)
  • t.
    About 1 00 motorcyclists in quarrels (7)
  • u.
    Cocktail—one on back of bird (7)
  • v.
    Make a gentle change—that's fine (7)